Do you have questions on the quality of your water?  Below are a variety of resources to help answer your questions on water quality and more.  

An answer guide on color, taste & odor in drinking water.

A guide on the Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act.

Your answers from The USGS Water Science School.

 Facts on why water systems treat water with chlorine.

WA DOH Publication on Arsenic in drinking water.

WA DOH Publication on Coliform Bacteria in drinking water.

WA DOH Publication on Nitrate in drinking water.

EPA Publication and links on Lead in drinking water.

Colmbia Valley Water District

6229 Azure Way

Maple Falls, WA 98266

PHONE:  (360)599-1699

FAX:       (360)599-1854



Our Business Hours

Mon, Wed, Fri :

08:00 am - 12:00 pm

01:00 pm - 04:30 pm

After Hours Emergency


 Pager:  (360)714-3558

(Dial your phone number after the beep.)