Rates:     Charges and Fees

We are a non-profit special purpose district and are governed by the laws outlined in Title 57 of the RCWs.   Our water system is supported by you and your neighbors, through the charges and fees of the District.  Your water rates pay to operate and maintain the water system so clean drinking water is available to you today, tomorrow and in the future days to come.   Thank you for your continuous support.

Water Charges and Fees

Basic water connection (1 ERU) - $38.00 per month (no water is included).  All lots connected to the system are charged the basic water charge regardless if water was used or not.

Water consumption is billed in 10 gallon increments and are billed by a 3-tier rate schedule:

Tier 1 - (Gallons used between 1 - 4,000)  $.03 per 10 gal units

Tier 2 - (Gallons used between  4,001 - 10,000)  $.04 per 10 gal units

Tier 3 - (Gallons used between 10,001 - and up) $.05 per 10 gal units


Street Light Charges and Fees

The District contracts with PSE to provide street lighting to the District service area. 

The charges for the street lights are billed with your water bill at a rate of $3.00 per month.

Colmbia Valley Water District

6229 Azure Way

Maple Falls, WA 98266

PHONE:  (360)599-1699

FAX:       (360)599-1854

EMAIL:   admin@cv-wd.com


Our Business Hours

Mon, Wed, Fri :

08:00 am - 12:00 pm

01:00 pm - 04:30 pm

After Hours Emergency


 Pager:  (360)714-3558

(Dial your phone number after the beep.)